Howdy everyone! It's me, your favorite wrestler and the double REGIONAL champion, ChaosMunchie!
Now I know what you're all going to ask me. Why did I take out that bad man, Leader.
GOSH GOLLY! You really don't like that guy! But relax Tsufurujins, because I would like the time to thank my trusted friends Wesker, Akuma & Nemesis
These are my true friends, they've had my back whereas that dastardly villain Leader never could.
Wesker: As a leader, his lack of leadership was astounding. You were bedeviled with a leadership that lead you to your downfall. Lucky, nothing can kill a Phoenix.
Akuma: He thought he was a God, he clains to have transcend humanity, but his mortality was truly tested. Now he's in a hospital bed.
Nemesis: He was nothing more than a bully, such superSTARS but nobody knows how to be a STAR.
Now now, guys. I don't want you guys getting dark on me. This is supposed to be a place of fun! You should never let a negative person ruin your moods.
All three: We're sorry.
That's ok, my children. You are all forgiven. But no this, some sins are never forgiven especially when great acts of evil are committed. Abandonment. Lies. Betrayal. Murder. Acts like that are never ok!
So remember at home, always stand by your friends and never let your friends parents murder your family.
Till next time, friends! Our next episode, we'll dive into the world of darkness. But don't worry, I'll be your guiding light. GOODBYE!
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